Labour relations

Continuous professional development allows our lawyers to keep up on the labour law, which is a subject to regular amendments. We draft labour contracts, confidentiality agreements and procedures on conciliation commission, collective agreements and other internal documents of the company. We successfully defend the interests of employers in courts and in front of the governmental inspectors.

 The employer has the right:

1) for freedom in the hiring process

2) to change, supplement, and terminate employment contracts with employees;

3) to publish the acts of employer;

4) to create and join associations for the purposes of representation and protection of his rights and interests;

5) to require employees to fulfill the conditions of labour, collective agreements, labour regulations and other acts of the employer;

6) to encourage employees, impose disciplinary sanctions, involve employees in material responsibility;

7) to ask compensation for damage caused by the employee in the performance of his duties;

8) to apply to the court in order to protect his rights and interests;

9) to determine a probationary period for the employee;

10) to provide workers with professional training;

11) to recover the costs related to the training of an employee;

12) to apply for the consideration of a labour dispute to the conciliation commission, the court.

+7 707 710 88 08

+7 777 094 59 88